Sensational Health for Everyone: Exploring Sensory Processing

Posted by: Brooke Olson
Category: Sensory, Sensory Processing Disorder

For decades, Occupational Therapists specializing in sensory processing have recognized that everyone, everywhere, must be able to process sensory information to effectively navigate and make sense of the world. When sensory information comes into our bodies, our nervous system has to make sense of it so that we know how to respond. It affects how we move and feel throughout the day. 

When someone struggles with sensory processing, it can lead to various issues such as irritability, behavioral problems, non-compliance, and rigidity in routines. This difficulty in interpreting sensations can affect our ability to follow directions, interact with friends, or even enjoy outdoor activities. It may also cause clumsiness, challenges in learning new sports, and trouble staying upright and focused in school.

As a result, these difficulties can lead to low self-esteem, social isolation, challenges in making friends, and even the risk of self-harm.

But, there is hope! Recognizing the possibility of sensory processing difficulties can be a positive step toward better mental health. Review the symptoms below to see if working with an OT specializing in SPD might benefit you or someone you care about. Find the printable version here: Star Symptom Checklist.

If you suspect your child may have sensory concerns, check out this blog for my top 10 tips on supporting sensory health. At Therapies Pediatric Occupational Therapy, we help clients learn self-regulation strategies and offer intensive occupational therapy services. Give us a call at (605) 204-0677 or complete our intake form.