23 Aug
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Sensory Meltdowns: Strategies to Support Your Child

Summer has ended, and school is starting up again. Gone are the days of summer—the camps, the open space, the freedom. Lots of kids love summer because of the lack of demands, expectations, and the opportunity for relaxation. Both kids and parents often have mixed feelings about the return to school. Some kids crave routine...

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17 Aug
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Sensational Health for Everyone: Exploring Sensory Processing

For decades, Occupational Therapists specializing in sensory processing have recognized that everyone, everywhere, must be able to process sensory information to effectively navigate and make sense of the world. When sensory information comes into our bodies, our nervous system has to make sense of it so that we know how to respond. It affects how...

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06 Aug
movement, learning
5 Super Easy Ways to Integrate Movement Into Learning

Why Kids Need to Move to Learn Movement is essential for keeping kids alert and ready to learn, and we know this. How do kids move? They fidget. Yes, the dreaded fidget. I’m not talking about toys but the natural movements of the body. You do it too. We all do. Yet, somehow in the...

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29 Jul
Kid's playing outdoors in the rain.
Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids and Families

Here is your gentle reminder to “Get Outside and Play!“ For over 25 years, I’ve practiced as a pediatric occupational therapist and been a homeschool mom. In recent years, I’ve been living the dream! I no longer work in a clinic or school; instead, I’ve taken my therapy services to people’s backyards around my home...

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22 Jul
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Sensory Sensitive Summer Fun!

Summertime is winding down, and we’re squeezing in our last-minute trips. This time of year can be magical, and we want to make sure it’s the best yet. Our sensory-sensitive kiddos are a bit more prone to getting overwhelmed with new situations. What are you going to do to ensure they aren’t sensory overwhelmed during...

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15 Jul
Crafting A Consistent Sleep Routine

Making sure your child gets quality sleep is key in development and daily function. Establishing a consistent and predictable nightly schedule can be highly beneficial in achieving that quality sleep. Determining an effective sleep routine can be challenging for families, especially because every family and their needs are unique. Regardless of the age of your...

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25 Jun
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Sensory Overload During the Fourth of July

As the Fourth of July is quickly approaching, it is an exciting time, anticipating festivities and fireworks! However, it is important to remember that these exciting celebrations, may be overwhelming for some individuals, including those with sensory sensitivities. Those facing sensory processing difficulties may not be able to enjoy these celebrations in the same way...

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05 Mar
Mom helping daughter with coregulation.
Self Regulation: How can I help my child learn?

Self Regulation is the cornerstone to early childhood development. As a matter of fact, self regulation is the number one predictor to academic success in children ages 3 to 5 years old. The ability to self regulate is not something that you’re born with. You mean, my kid doesn’t come with a self regulation button?...

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13 Nov
Little girl helps with the laundry to help regulate her nervous system.
Heavy Work: 5 Simple Activities for Your Preschooler

Alma is an energetic and happy three year old who has just started preschool. Her teachers have noticed that she gets agitated when the classroom is noisy or another child touches her unexpectedly, which is impacting her participation in many group activities. Alma seems to be over-responsive to some types of sensory input. So what...

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23 Oct
Sensory Sensitive Child: Halloween tips and tricks

As a pediatric Occupational Therapist in Mountain View, CA and the Bay area, I have been working with autistic children with sensory sensitivices and their parents for over 25 years. I love Halloween! It is “just right” for for my nervous system. A little scary, a little loud, a bunch of yummy treats and a...

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