Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids and Families

Posted by: Brooke Olson
Category: Autism, Gross Motor, Regulation, Sensory, Social Skills
Kid's playing outdoors in the rain.

Here is your gentle reminder toGet Outside and Play!

For over 25 years, I’ve practiced as a pediatric occupational therapist and been a homeschool mom. In recent years, I’ve been living the dream! I no longer work in a clinic or school; instead, I’ve taken my therapy services to people’s backyards around my home base in Mountain View, California.

It’s been an amazing experience! I am outside all day long and feel invigorated, even after an eight-hour day. I love working with the kids, and the families are amazing! When I come home, I feel like I’ve made a difference!

The Power of the Outdoor Play

About a year after I started my independent practice, I took a part-time tele-therapy job to make ends meet. As a result, I spent 8 1/2 hours downstairs in my basement on Zoom the first day.

At lunchtime, I trudged up the stairs and thought, “I am never going to make it.”

I am never going to make it!

The clock dragged from 12:30 to 4:30 as I watched the minutes tick by, and I could not wait for the day to be over. When I finally emerged from the basement, feeling completely drained and with my energy depleted, the first thing I did was step outside into the sunshine. Immediately, I began to recharge and feel rejuvenated.

It took me about four hours to feel better, and even the next day I still felt the effects.

This experience made me realize just how important outdoor play is for our kids—and for us!

Being on screens all day is incredibly draining.

No wonder our kids are –

  • Exhausted
  • Can’t think
  • Unmotivated
  • Not attending classes

They lack –

  • Movement
  • Stimulation
  • Engagement
  • Socialization

They lack sunshine! ☀️

Outdoor Play is the key!

How can we make this better?

Carla Hanniford wrote an amazing book that I read a many years ago called “Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All in Your Head.” It really highlighted how movement boosts learning.

So, I suggest aiming to get your kids engaged in outdoor play for at least 4-6 hours a day.

It’s essential to prioritize outdoor activities because fresh air and sunshine are a must. Let your kiddos experience the advantages of outdoor play!

Outdoor Play Activities

Here are some easy and enjoyable outdoor activities to try:

  • Ride bikes
  • Kick a ball around
  • Fly a kite
  • Go for a hike
  • Check out some ducks
  • Have a backyard picnic
  • Write spelling words with sidewalk chalk
  • Jump rope while practicing math facts
  • Role play stories from reading time

How will you incorporate outdoor play with your kids this week?

If you’d like to discover how to integrate movement into learning, click here! Additionally, you may call Therapeeps Pediatric Occupational Therapy at (605) 204-0677, or complete our intake form for more information.