20 Mar
Toddler smelling a flower, staying focused during spring play to boost attention.
Spring-Inspired Activities to Keep Your Toddler’s Attention

How do I keep my toddler’s attention during play? Young children learn best through connection, which is why play is most engaging when it feels like a shared adventure. As a parent, you’re the most important play partner in your child’s world, so staying engaged and tuned in to what they enjoy is key to...

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13 Mar
How to support my autistic toddler’s needs: Toddler reaching towards the camera with toys on the table, showing curiosity and engagement.
Do Autistic Toddlers Not Like Rules? Or Sitting Still?

Toddlers have a natural drive to explore, play, and express themselves in ways that may not always fit the “rules.” For autistic toddlers, this can sometimes feel even more intense. You might find yourself wondering, Why does my toddler not like following rules? Or sitting still? It’s a great question, and understanding the why behind...

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06 Mar
Two toddler girls playing together, developing social skills in toddlers through shared play and interaction.
Building Social Skills in Toddlers Through Play

Social interactions begin long before a child can say their first words. Babies coo at caregivers, toddlers giggle in peek-a-boo games, and infants reach for comfort when they need support. Building social skills in toddlers is an important part of their early development. Cccupational therapy can play a key role in helping them navigate these...

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26 Feb
A toddler sitting on the floor, looking at a cellphone screen with a focused expression.
How Much Screen Time Is OK for My Toddler?

In today’s digital world, it’s hard to escape the influence of screens. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or TV, technology is a part of daily life. As a parent, you might wonder, how much screen time for toddlers is appropriate and how to strike a healthy balance between technology and play. While screens can provide...

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13 Feb
A toddler using sticky glue to attach heart-shaped paper cutouts, engaging in a sensory activity to develop fine motor skills.
Valentine’s Day Activities for Toddlers

Valentine’s Day isn’t just about candy and cards! It’s a perfect opportunity for fun activities for toddlers that strengthen their motor skills, sensory development, and emotional connection with you. Here are some simple, fun, and developmentally supportive ways to celebrate love while helping your toddler grow. Sensory Heart Bin Why it’s great: Encourages tactile exploration,...

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07 Feb
A toddler refuses a plate of vegetables, a familiar scene for many parents dealing with picky eating. Learn simple OT strategies to make mealtimes less stressful and encourage food exploration.
Toddler Picky Eating Tips: Overcoming Mealtime Struggles

Mealtime with a toddler can feel like a constant challenge, one day they love a food, the next day they refuse to eat it! If picky eating is turning meals into a battle, you’re not alone! Many toddlers go through phases of food refusal, but with a little help, you can reduce stress and encourage...

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30 Jan
A toddler stirring a mixing bowl while helping with meal prep.
Play with Purpose: Using Everyday Activities to Boost Toddler Development

As parents, we often juggle endless to-do lists, striving to create enriching experiences for our kids. But what if the best opportunities for learning and growth were already built into your daily routine? From mealtime to bath time, every moment offers a chance to support your child’s sensory, motor, and cognitive development—all while keeping it...

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23 Jan
Toddler sleeping peacefully with a teddy bear, following a calm sleep routine.
Sweet Dreams: Healthy Sleep Routines for Infants and Toddlers

The New Year brings a fresh start, and it’s the perfect time to reset routines, especially toddler sleep routines. After the holiday season, when schedules are often thrown off by travel, gatherings, and late nights, toddlers and infants may need some extra help returning to a consistent sleep routine. Establishing healthy sleep habits is not...

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17 Jan
Three toddlers playing with colorful blocks on the floor, engaging in activities that support toddler developmental milestones.
New Year, New Skills: Helping Your Toddler Meet Developmental Milestones

As we welcome a new year, it’s the perfect time to focus on growth, not just in goals for ourselves, but in supporting our toddler’s developmental milestones. Every child grows at their own pace, but with intentional sensory and motor activities, we can provide the right environment for their skills to flourish. Let’s break down...

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10 Jan
Teddy bear with a wash cloth on it's forehead, ymbolizing comfort for toddlers during a cold. Learn tips for managing toddler colds with soothing strategies and recovery advice.
Colds and Cuddles: Helping Your Toddler Through the Season

Winter often brings a wave of sniffles, coughs, and colds, especially for toddlers who may have been exposed to more germs during holiday gatherings. With the cold season in full swing, your little one is more likely to catch a cold, and when they do, it can feel overwhelming. Between stuffy noses, sore throats, and...

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