23 Aug
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Sensory Meltdowns: Strategies to Support Your Child

Summer has ended, and school is starting up again. Gone are the days of summer—the camps, the open space, the freedom. Lots of kids love summer because of the lack of demands, expectations, and the opportunity for relaxation. Both kids and parents often have mixed feelings about the return to school. Some kids crave routine...

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15 Jul
Crafting A Consistent Sleep Routine

Making sure your child gets quality sleep is key in development and daily function. Establishing a consistent and predictable nightly schedule can be highly beneficial in achieving that quality sleep. Determining an effective sleep routine can be challenging for families, especially because every family and their needs are unique. Regardless of the age of your...

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13 Nov
Little girl helps with the laundry to help regulate her nervous system.
Heavy Work: 5 Simple Activities for Your Preschooler

Alma is an energetic and happy three year old who has just started preschool. Her teachers have noticed that she gets agitated when the classroom is noisy or another child touches her unexpectedly, which is impacting her participation in many group activities. Alma seems to be over-responsive to some types of sensory input. So what...

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29 Aug
Sensory health, happy child
A Sensory Healthy Morning

Billy is a 7 year old boy who loves outer space.  He knows a lot about outer space. Billy is very active but he gets irritable very easily.  He doesn’t like loud sounds, but he makes them all of the time.  Billy likes things to be “his way” and he often gets argumentative about getting...

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03 Jun
Yoga Kids
What is proprioception?

Proprioception is the body sense that allows you to know about what your body is doing at any one moment. It helps you to know where your body is in space, how to move your body, and the amount of force to use when moving your body. Where are the proprioceptors located? Proprioceptors are found...

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