Sensory Overload During the Fourth of July

Posted by: Brooke Olson
Category: Sensory, Sensory Processing Disorder

As the Fourth of July is quickly approaching, it is an exciting time, anticipating festivities and fireworks! However, it is important to remember that these exciting celebrations, may be overwhelming for some individuals, including those with sensory sensitivities. Those facing sensory processing difficulties may not be able to enjoy these celebrations in the same way that others do. Sensory overload can be characterized by an immense number of stimuli resulting in the brain being overwhelmed. This can dampen the joy and anticipation of celebrations and make participation challenging. Below are some tips to help navigate these exciting, yet sometimes challenging occasions, when dealing with sensory sensitivities.

Sensory Overload: What is it?

Sensory overload occurs when the brain receives more information from the senses than it can process effectively. This can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, or discomfort. During Fourth of July celebrations, triggers can include:

  • Fireworks
  • Crowds
  • Lights
  • Lights (flashing lights, bright lights, etc.)
  • Noise (loud music, crowd noise, other unexpected noises)

Tips for Managing Sensory Overload:

  1. Plan Ahead:
    • Choose a Quiet Spot: Find a quieter location, away from the main event, where you can still enjoy the festivities without being so overwhelmed.
    • Timing: Consider attending events earlier in the day when crowds might be smaller and there may be less stimuli.
  2. Use Ear Protection:
    • Earplugs or Noise-Canceling Headphones: These significantly reduce the effect of loud noises (fireworks, music, etc.) while still allowing you to enjoy the event.
  3. Visual Aids:
    • Sunglasses: Reduce the intensity of bright lights.
  4. Communicate:
    • Inform Others: Make friends and family aware of your sensory sensitivities so they can better support you.
  5. Take Breaks:
    • Step Away: If you begin to feel overwhelmed, take a break in a quieter area to reset. It may be beneficial to proactively plan breaks throughout the day rather than waiting for sensory overload to occur.
  6. Prepare:
    • Calming Techniques: Discuss and practice coping methods to assist in regulation when sensory overload occurs. This may include deep breathing, counting, putting headphones on, asking for a break, taking a walk, etc.

Enjoying the 4th of July Holiday

Although the Fourth of July can present challenges for some individuals, it also presents an opportunity to engage with others and participate in celebrations and festivities! Understanding the challenges one might face and planning ahead to prepare for these possibilities is key to having a successful holiday.

Every person’s experience with sensory overload is unique. It’s important to listen to your body and be aware of our needs, to maintain a calm and comfortable state. This is crucial for your help and well-being. With planning and consideration, this patriotic holiday can bring joy to everyone!

Please make sure you are being considerate of other people’s situations this coming holiday!

If you’re interested in learning more about supporting your child during the holiday or other special events, give Therapeeps Occupational Therapy a call at (605)-204-0677 or complete our intake form. Check out how Occupational Therapy can help neurodivergent individuals here!

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